Nottingham University Hospitals Trust

The specialist team wore their t-shirts throughout the week, allowing staff and members of the public to freely approach them to discuss hypos and ask questions.

Last year, they composed and carried out a hospital-wide audit about hypoglycaemia. The results were clear in highlighting that hypos are treated differently by wards and staff members;

  1. The trigger blood glucose level of a hypo
  2. Treatments given/ Level of appropriateness
  3. Blood Glucose Re-checking/monitoring after a hypo

The NUH recently switched the chosen liquid hypo treatment, and in view of needing to re-educate the Trust, plus taking into account the audit results, they launched Hypo Awareness Week.

They developed an easy to read, quick-guide poster on hypoglycaemia including treatments and situations which was sent trust-wide.

The team said they understand hospital pressures and natural panic responses to a hypo, especially when diabetes is not the ward specialty. However, they recognised how important it was that people with diabetes admitted to hospital, must always receive excellent, appropriate, safe care.  Therefore, they wanted to spread the word,  ensuring staff appropriately treat hypos efficiently and comfortably.

They said: “We are delighted to have had nothing but positive feedback and gratitude from our hospital colleagues and to see our posters proudly displayed in treatment rooms so we can support our colleagues in such emergencies. The diabetes specialist nurses at NUH, have yet again, thoroughly enjoyed Hypo Awareness Week. It is truly a pleasure to be able to participate and give a week to an issue that is at the forefront of diabetes.”