The team at Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust were a little short on the ground due to staff sicknesses and leave, but in their usual style the whole team pulled together again to try and support each other in the promotion of hypo awareness week. It came as no surprise when the eye screening team, podiatrists, encdocrine nurses and GPs with specialist interest were asking for their T-shirts, posters and leaflets to display and discuss in their clinical areas. The diabetes specialist team wore their T-shirts with pride all week and took posters and information to all clinical areas around their trust. The weeks activities involved taking pictorial games, treatment quizzes and discussing the answers with staff in all adult clinical areas on both hospital sites. They had an amazing response with doctors, nurses, students, agency staff, HCA’s, pharmacists, screening staff, administration staff and anaesthetist staff all getting involved and having fun (the bribe of sweets and treats worked a trick) The junior doctors training fell on the Thursday and provided them with the perfect opportunity to provide education with them also. They used email to spread the word, and sent pictures regarding events via Facebook and Twitter. They had pre-audited the maintenance of their trust hypo boxes. The feedback was given to each area manager and the data was being collated as part of the internal quality improvement programme.